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100, 117 Hits!

Today I discovered I have topped the 100,000 mark regarding views on my blog.  The exact number is 100,117. I have also published 1,307 blog posts and have received 3,661 comments.

I want to thank each of you for supporting my writing.  It means a lot to me to know that someone is out there reading my work.

This was my first post on August 28, 2011:

Writing.  What can I say? This topic takes up most of my time as a writer, writing teacher, and editor.  I love everything related to writing – the physical act of handwriting or typing, the pleasant calm of reading, the pure fun of sharing writing with others.

Hence this blog.  A way for me to get my thoughts on the screen, post what I have already written, as well as share what I find interesting related to this topic.

I assume the form will emerge as I proceed.

For now, welcome.


This experience has been enriching.  I plan to continue since now I feel as if I have a network of support.

Again, thank you.

I hope everyone sleeps well tonight.  I’ll check back in with you tomorrow.

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