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36 Years With Ray: A Few Things I’ve Observed

Dear Ray,

Happy anniversary.

Here are a few things that I have observed about how you’ve approached life over these past 36 years.

1) Laugh a lot 2) Be serious about details. 3) Live healthy 4) Love hard 5) Be loyal 6) Own up to your mistakes 7) Listen to good music 8) Relish the visual world 9) Be kind 10) Love your children with all your heart 11) Be discerning 12) Be forgiving 13) Don’t whitewash the truth 14) Math is important 15) A good memory is useful (especially in an argument). 16) Help others 17) Don’t be rigid 18) Be adventurous 19) Take risks 20) Be your own person 21) Follow your heart 22) Create the life you want 23) Trust yourself 24) Take time for your friends 25) A good dog or two makes life even better.

Not a bad list for a fellow I’ve chased through the back yard with a very large crowbar!

Let’s keep going for another 36, please.

Love, Len

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