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Stuck Day. Can’t think of anything to write. Instead, I’ll fulfill my 20 minutes by thinking of things that are blue. I realize this isn’t interesting. It is simply what I could come up with at this late hour after a long day.

Blue jays, blue high-heeled shoes, blue crayons, blue mood, blueberries, bluebells, Bluebell ice cream, blue moon, blue cheese, blue hair, blue wallpaper, blue paint, blue tile, blue cars, blue sky, blue velvet, blue suede shoes, blue horizon, blue ice, blue heeler, blue eyes, blue frosting, blue trucks, blue shirt, blue skirt, blue pants, blue suit, blue water, blue tie, blue nail polish, blue dye, blue vase, blue glass, blue diamond, blue earrings, blue necklace, blue underwear, blue rug, blue sofa, blue chair, blue painting, blue lamp, blue bicycle, blue motorcycle, blue tricycle, blue monocycle, blue coat, blue sweater, blue watch, blue erasers, blue pencils, blue pens, blue rubber bands, blue paper, blue tape, blue lenses, blue chewing gum, blue candy, blue eye shadow, blue mascara, blue flowers, blue bowls, blue plates, blue glasses, blue juice, blue book, blue book cover, blue magic marker, blue poster board, blue crocs, blue sheets, blue bedspread, blue curtains, blue soap, blue clothes detergent, blue dishwashing detergent, blue glass cleaning spray, blue airplanes, blue ships, blue submarines, blue fish, blue toothbrush, blue hairbrush, blue clothes brush, blue mountains, blue seas, blue grottoes, blue tropical fish, blue butterflies, blue vegetables, blue chips, blue…


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