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A Beloved Photo of Daughter Liz and Me

Our family is safely back home in LA after spending the last several days at Estero Beach in Ensenada, Mexico. This was a birthday celebration for grandson Nico (4), daughter Liz (34) and me (67). Liz posted the photo below this evening in celebration of our birthdays. It was taken by my oldest daughter Sarah when she was in high school. Liz must have been either in middle school or early high school. That would make her 14 or 15 and me 47 or 48.

I love this photo. Not just because it captures my beloved middle daughter and me, but also because of the way Liz has her arm so sweetly draped over my shoulder and her face is touching mine. There is such intimacy in that pose. I think she was sitting on the branch of one of our avocado trees and I was standing beside her. I love that we’re both looking straight into the camera and we share such a strong family resemblance. I also love that I see my sister Leslie’s face in my face, another family member I loved with all my heart. It brings me comfort to see Leslie hidden in my face, as if her essence remains within me even if her body has long disappeared from this earth.

The black splotches on Liz’s knees and hands and on my sweatshirt are from the developing process. This was technically an imperfect photo for that reason, but to me, it is just about as perfect as it can get. Light and dark with shadows, and a mother and daughter (and sister) whose love is looking right at you.  I feel happy that we have this moment captured forever.

Thank you, Sarah, for taking this fine photo. Thank you, Liz, for sharing it.

Liz and Me
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