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A Big Shift

Hi all,  Well, it’s been quite a time lately.  Ray was sick, then came down with shingles, then I was sick.  Ugh. We are both on the mend now, but the catch-up of work has been a bit tough.  I have had a long day both yesterday and today, but I’m almost caught up so that’s good. Now I’m ready to head to bed.

This shingles outbreak for Ray has been a wake-up call to prioritize our life a bit better and to let go of things that create too much stress. We are in the process of making that happen, which adds a bit of stress in the transition, but will, in the long run, make our lives much better. Change is hard, however, even when you know it’s good for you.  In this case, change is necessary so we both live a longer, healthier life.

We could entitle this past couple of weeks as “Things Fall Apart.”

That is not a bad thing. I believe it already is a much better situation than before.

One step at a time…

I’ll check back in again soon.

old way

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