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A Film to Recommend: Flight


Today I went to see Denzel Washington in the movie Flight. I went with a friend who liked the movie well enough to see it for a second time. I went in cold, meaning I knew almost nothing about the film save that Denzel surely was an airline pilot given his “look” on the movie poster.

I don’t want this to be a spoiler, so I won’t discuss story line. Suffice it to say, that this is a film about the power of addiction. The compulsion of drugs and alcohol is very well presented and is 100% believable. As is Denzel’s performance, which is tough given that he is portraying a man with demons he is constantly wrestling with.

I would recommend this movie. It has suspense, depth and fine performances. There are even a few surprises along the way, which is a treat.  So, if you’re looking for a movie that is entertaining, but also has a pithy message, then head in to see Flight.

And when you do, put your impression in the Comments section. I’d love to hear from you!

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