I have a date with Ray in 20 minutes so I have to get moving on my writing tonight. We are going to sit propped up with pillows on our bed, eat popcorn, drink a smoothie and watch tv. I don’t want to be late for that!
I had a writing group today at our house here. Only three folks in the room (counting me) and one on the phone in New Mexico. We read our pieces, critiqued and then chatted about what we are writing, hope to write in the future or have decided not to write. I love these folks, all of whom I’ve known for quite a few years now. I trust their responses to my writing and they appear to trust mine for theirs. We are not too busy with exact suggestions but rather leave those specific fixes up to the writer. But we are open and honest while remaining supportive of the creative courage it takes to put words on a page and then read them out loud to others.
I also had a student today, the first of my college essay kids. He and I have been working together for over a year now on his high school essay skills so we have a good rapport. We can relax and settle into the editing of the essay he’s already written over several sessions with me. We are now at the crafting stage which is fun. Figuring out exactly what he wants to say and how to make his descriptions clear, concise and poignant. I’d say we’re off to a fine start and he is going to be way ahead of his school mates who have not even begun. That is very good news for him as school starts and all the pressures of grades and college applications start making themselves felt. He’ll be breezing along with a quiet sense of relief while his classmates walk around feeling overwhelmed.
As for me, I am happy to be home after several days away. I have my feet up on my hassock in the den and three fans running. The air is nice and cool at this time of day so I am comfortable. Dusk is approaching and there is a calmness in the air. I have a whole arsenal of books that I’ve been reading lately on my side table. Just seeing them there makes me happy.
I hope you’re having a good evening as well. I have to go now since I have popcorn to pop, smoothies to make in the Ninja blender and pillows to fluff.
I’ll be talking to you again tomorrow.