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A Luna Visit plus a Text from Liz

Today we went out to Sarah and Gregorio’s to visit. Here is Grandpa with Luna.


Here is Luna playing in her bouncy toy:


We had a happy visit and even got to see Gregorio who arrived home early from work. That was an extra treat.

Sarah made us all lunch and we sat and chatted, which is always good since Sarah makes tasty dishes and we all love to eat and talk.

I was exceedingly happy because I got to kiss and snuggle with my little granddaughter for much of the time we were there.  (I also kissed my daughter a few times for good measure and gave Gregorio a big hug.)

Then we had to come home since I had students this afternoon.

Liz reported via text this evening that they are surviving and are eagerly awaiting the END tomorrow afternoon. Eighteen hours of testing over three days can certainly be NO FUN for anybody. I’m just happy they can see the finish line in the distance.

Tomorrow, we’re leaving home at 6 in the morning to go to Ojai.  We have business up there to attend to.

I best finish up here and get ready for bed.

I am grateful for a happy day.

Night all.

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