I am sitting in my den. It is 7:02 on this Sunday evening. Rachael’s dachshund-mix puppy, Hazel, is curled up on the chair next to the window. The grandfather clock in our living room is tolling the last of seven chimes, clearly off by two minutes. I’ve made a vegetable and rice soup in the Instant Pot and I can smell the blend of vegetables and chicken broth wafting from the kitchen. I will be checking on the soup soon. And, yes, I continue to love my Instant Pot and use it pretty much daily.
Today has been low-key, first church this morning from 9:30 – 1, then off to the gas station and finally to Trader Joe’s for some necessary provisions. The weather today has been glorious. A perfect low-80s day with a cool breeze and clear blue skies. Even the traffic wasn’t bad when I was out. Sundays in the summer are often light-traffic days here in the heart of the city. Most people are either at home or off to the beach.
I have absolutely nothing of note to report. I had hoped that I could come up with a thought or two while writing. I will say that I saw several of my friends at church who are my blog readers. I thanked them for their positive comments regarding me resuming my writing and they each responded exactly the same way. “Are you kidding? I love your blog.” That made me feel good. One added, “I read your blog last night and felt that life was a little more in order now that you’re back to writing.” That made me feel especially good. I will admit a little encouragement goes a long way when it comes to daily blogging. Thank you, my friends.
Ray and I have taken these week-end days off, which is quite unusual in our bustling life. So unusual that I have felt almost thrilled to have the luxury of such free time. It’s not that we work ALL the time, but we usually work at least part of every day. To have two whole days left to my own devices has felt rather extravagant. I am happy we’re taking a little time off. I think we can both use the rest. We already have plans to be up and out early tomorrow for a full day so, again, this relaxed, just doing-whatever-suits time feels especially lovely.
It is now 7:25 and that means I am over my 20 minutes by three minutes. I suppose that means I’ll draw this to a close. Sorry there isn’t anything of real note to this post. Alas, I guess that’s okay too, eh? My goal is simply to write. I will trust this is good enough.
I’ll be checking back in again tomorrow. Until then, I hope you’ve had a good day of your own and are ready for a fruitful Monday.
Talk tomorrow.