We experienced an impressive thunderstorm here in Texas today.
We had every window and door open so fresh clean air could swish all through the house. The thunder rumbled, the lightning flashed, the wind blew and then the rain came. Big fat drops, lots of them. The rain pattered on the tin roof and splashed on the porches. Our Corgie, Cordelia, barked at the thunder, as if to say, “Get back! I”m protecting this house.” Unfortunately, Sammie, our Scotty, didn’t like the storm. Ray found her hiding behind a chair, trembling. He sat and held her for a good long while, so she would feel safe. That should tell you all you need to know about Ray.
The storm sent the temperatures down 20 degrees. We finally had to close all the windows and doors and turn on the heat. We were shivering while we scurried about.
Sammie and Ray are asleep now. Cordie is waiting for me to head up to bed. We may have more rain tonight and tomorrow. Ah, sweet bliss. If only I could export this rain to LA. That might cool off the scorching temperatures forecasted for later in the week there.
As for now, I am going upstairs to sleep and hope I hear rain on the tin roof. That pitter-patter is one of the simple joys of life.