Almost time to leave Texas and, as usual, we are far from ready to go. Too much to do to comfortably board a plane and head back to our other life – the one that includes very different kinds of work, not to mention our children and our dogs. Of course, we’re happy to see our kids and our pooches – that is always the case. And work – ah yes – we have that, too, and I’m already getting antsy to dive back into unfinished projects with students – and myself – that have deadlines attached. Still, the work here in Texas is physical, bona fide, “pick up the other end of that couch” sort of labor, and it is satisfying in it concreteness. There the work is more mental and far less tangible on a daily basis. Alas, there – in CA- is where we make money; here, we seem to do more spending than making.
Here in North Central Texas, we have had the mildest weather imaginable for early December in a state where winter is an actual season. The temperatures have been in the mid-70’s with a strong wind from the south, creating a feeling of spring rather than winter. Today’s temperature – 77 – was 25 degrees above average temperatures. The night sky, with its waning moon, was cloud-free, a problem since a drought has been going on for months now. A cloudy sky would be a welcome sign these days. Still, we have enjoyed these “spring” days; have appreciated the easy work conditions.
Again, it’s time for bed after a busy day. That’s what happens when you work hard physically every day – you virtually fall into bed every night, almost asleep before your head hits the pillow. So, on that note, I am off to bathe, then head to bed. Bathing and sleeping remain two of my favorite activities in the word. What else can I say? Life sometimes is best lived simply. That is what the life here is – pure and simple.