Philippa (Flip) Mayall
Here is my friend, Flip, who has written an amazing book that is well worth your time. She was a fellow participant in the John Rechy Master class and we workshopped her book every week for 2 years. I know this memoir intimately and can recommend it without reservation. The writing is both gripping and poignant.
I asked Flip (Philippa) a few questions about her book and writing. Here’s what she said.
What inspired you to write your book? I felt like I’d experienced a journey that needed to be shared. I wanted to offer hope to others who may need it and insight to the loved ones of those people.
What was the hardest thing about writing this book? The unexpected emotions attached with writing certain passages, especially chapter 1. The subsequent memories that arise from an already painful situation. Essentially though it leads to better understanding and clarity to move forward.
What is the easiest thing about writing? Words. Finding them and using them. I own a real dictionary and thesaurus (non digital) and I explore their pages a lot.
Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day? No. I have a thought or inspiration and run with it until its exhausted. Sometimes it leads to more writing of a different subject, but if not I try not to judge it. I do what feels right.
Do you write on a computer or longhand? I much prefer longhand to start with. I write in purple because that’s the phase I’m in. In the past I’ve used green, red, blue but never black. I don’t like black jeans either!
What is the hardest thing about writing? The first sentence or paragraph. Getting hung up on structure so nothing is actually accomplished.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block? I don’t force it since it creates more frustration. I generally get a good book out and read a while.
Who are your favorite authors? Jack Kerouac, John Rechy, George Orwell
What is your favorite book and why? I love ‘On the Road’ for its vivid language and style of writing and I love ‘City of Night’ for the incredible character portrayal and I love ‘Down and Out in Paris in London’
Who are the people who have helped you with your writing that have made a big difference in your life? I did an MA in England and the class bolstered my confidence enormously. Then in LA I did classes with John Rechy who showed me how to break the rules I’d just learned! Being part of the class and listening to the other writers works and comments expanded my breadth of experience.
How can readers discover more about you and you work? Twitter, Facebook or
Where can readers buy your book? Amazon, Barnes and and
Again, this is a book well worth reading. Flip is a rising writing talent with many more stories to tell.