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Back After a Break

Hi, my friends.

Ray and I are in our van on Interstate 40 in the middle of a rainstorm. We are about sixty miles from Tucumcari, New Mexico and have already pulled over once due to high winds. We are pulling a nineteen foot trailer with our fifteen passenger van so we don’t want to take many chances, especially on a dark, rainy night. We are heading back to California after a brief trip to Texas to take care of business there.

I am happy to be back with you on my blog. I must admit that though I felt I needed a little break after blogging almost every day for four and a half years, I truly missed the interaction I have with many of you through your “likes” and comments. I realized this past week what a lovely community I have come to enjoy through my blog. So, thank you, my friends, for your kind attention over these past several years.

I also realized while not writing this past week that I now have a running commentary in my mind about events, people or experiences I want to share on my blog. What this tells me is that my daily writing of at least twenty minutes has helped me to see the world with a new set of eyes that looks for what might be interesting to include in my nightly writings. I have several stories to tell from this past week. Those will be coming in the upcoming days.

The rain has stopped. The moon looks as if it might break through at any moment. We are rolling along quite nicely with Cordelia and Sammie (yes, she is still with us) curled up in the back seat. We are back on track with our travels and that makes me happy. Lordy, how I love a road trip.

Here is a photo from earlier today. I would take one now but it is too dark.

I will check back in tomorrow. I am so happy to be back!

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