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Back from Ojai

Ray and I have just returned from Ojai, where we’ve been since Saturday afternoon.  Today, I worked with Liz helping tidy up building materials as well as having a bit of an overall Spring cleanup on the land. The day was beautiful with bright blue skies and a temperature of around 65 degrees.  The orange trees were filled with blossoms and buzzing bees.  By next week, the entire grove will be in full bloom.  The dogs chased each other all around the land having lots of fun. Ron was working on the floor in the Spartan, getting ready to tile. Ray was gathering up eBay items and doing his own version of Spring cleaning, which involved sorting all the tools.

A great day to be outside doing some needed physical work.  I’m very pleased with what we got accomplished.

Looking forward to a warm bath tonight and a good sleep.

I will check back in tomorrow.  Until then, hope all is well.

The first of the orange blossoms. There are oranges on the tree along with the blossoms.


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