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Back in LA, but So Tired

I am sitting here in LA with eyelids that will barely stay open. We woke up at 3:15 am to make a 6 am flight from DFW airport, which is an hour and fifteen minutes from Sherman. We flew to Phoenix, then on to Long Beach via US Air. I had students today so that’s why such an early morning. Tomorrow, we have plans all day here so I am grateful to head to bed at 7:50 pm Pacific time. Of course, that’s 9:50 Central time, hence the reason I am so dead-dog tired.

We left heat in Texas and arrived to heat here. I believe it was mid-90’s here and humid, something that we’re not equipped for. Hence all the fans on and doors and windows open. I was worried my students were too warm, but they didn’t complain. Good little troopers.

So, off I go. I fell asleep catching up on Project Runway. That is when you know I’m tired.

Glad to be here safe and sound. That is the good news. Sorry to say good-bye to Texas and our friends and family there.

Of course, I will be seeing my little Luna soon, so life is good.

Night night.

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