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Been Wearing My Editor’s Hat

I am just finishing editing a parenting book written by a psychologist I’ve known for a good long while now here in LA.  We met when I was coordinating the parenting workshops for the Beverly Hills School District.  He was one of our top speakers.  This book is entitled, Five Secrets of Parenting by Dr. Mark Brenner.  It will be out in the near future.

Mark was very kind to reach out to me and offer me the chance to work on this fine book.  I am always pleased when I have the chance to professionally edit.

I’ll let you know when it’s available.  I’ve learned a lot about how to better parent (and grandparent) through Mark’s long years of experience.  I will be incorporating many of his suggestions in the way I frame my conversations, especially with Luna and Nico.

Even an old dog can learn a few new tricks…

Sleep well, my friends.  Talk tomorrow.


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