We spent an hour and a half this morning on the Chicago Architecture Foundation’s river cruise, and I must say that our docent was amazing and the view from the river of all the buildings was well worth the money spent. (Ray determined before we arrived in Chicago that joining the CAF would be very helpful since it allowed for priority “line-jumping” for every site on the architectural tour over the weekend – which proved to be a godsend since some of the lines were half a block long – plus it included a ticket for the river tour.). Alas, the river tour was fabulous.
This afternoon, we returned to the Art Institute, where we continued to be wowed by the enormous amount of unbelievable art housed under one roof. We plan to return again tomorrow for our last day here since we didn’t finish today. (Again, Ray determined before we came that buying a membership to the Art Institute would be well worth the money since we were definitely going for more than one day plus you get the benefits of the members’ lounge where you can go for free coffee and tea, plus have a comfortable place to rest during the day.)
The result of our day’s art experience: my head is aswirl with thoughts and images that may take a bit of time to process. However, if I had to pick a word to describe this experience it would have to be “inspired.” I feel better about our world looking at the time and energy artists and architects have devoted to creating beauty as well as commenting on our social condition. We all benefit from their focused efforts.
I took very few pictures at the Art Institute today because I was so busy absorbing information. But here are a few highlights from there and the river tour.
