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College Acceptance News for My Students

I am very happy to report that many of my students have heard from the colleges where they applied and are getting very positive results.

Here are some of the students I’ve been working with and where they’ll be attending college in the fall:

Lona – Attending Barnard College, New York; Accepted at UCLA; Boston College; Brandeis University; Kenyon College with $10, 000/yr. scholarship; Scripps  with $15,000/yr. scholarship; Vassar.

Oona  – Attending Bard College.  Accepted at Hampshire College with scholarship; New School, New York; U. of Colorado, Boulder; Colorado College; Columbia College, Chicago; Emerson, Boston; Lewis & Clark.

Kate – Attending Emerson, Boston. Accepted at Loyola, Chicago; DePaul, Chicago; New School, New York with scholarship; University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Josh – Attending UCLA.

Melissa – Attending UC Riverside. Accepted at all Cal States.

Layla – Attending Syracuse University. Early decision.

David:  – Attending UC Santa Barbara.  Accepted at UCLA, UCSD, UC Irvine, all the Cal States.

Dani  – Attending NYU. Accepted at USC and BU.

Dinah – Accepted at Boston University.  Still waiting to hear from USC, NYU, SMU and Miami.

Zach – Attending Boise State. Also accepted at Arizona State University.

Dana – UC Riverside.  Still waiting to hear from Cal Lutheran.

I have not yet heard from Emily, Bella, Julianne, and Marco.  I expect I will soon!

Congratulations to all.  I am so pleased that you have wonderful schools to attend in the fall, which will offer you memorable experiences as well as help launch the next phase of your lives.  Good luck to each of you!


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