I have been sitting on this chair or standing near this table in my living room since 8 am when my first student arrived. I am not inclined to linger at this late hour and, therefore, will be writing only a brief blog this evening. I have, after all, being aiding in the writing process all day.
The good news is that Monique has a completed personal statement for a graduate program in Nutrition; Amir has a completed final draft of his law school personal statement; Linda has an almost completed final draft of her Cultural Autobiography paper for her graduate class in Social Work; Nina has a good beginning for her 2nd UC personal statement; Jonah has a completed book report for 7th grade English; Aaron has a first good round of new vocabulary words for AP Language, and Kayley has a strong “Why Tulane?” essay that lacks 10 minutes to finish before her early application due on November 15th. Also, my online students each have received their comments on today’s submissions for their “20 Minutes a Day for a Month” class.
A satisfying job and now it’s time to head upstairs for a warm bath and a soft bed.
Tomorrow we head to Ojai for the day. Ah, joy. A bit of a respite from sitting for one whole day. Can’t wait!
Sleep well, my friends.