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Disney Hall & the Super Bowl

Ray and I went to Disney Hall today and attended the performance of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 19 in F Major and Bruckner’s 9th Symphony. We also attended the talk before the performance, which tells about the composers and their lives and also the music being played that day. We were pleased to see that our friend, Lucinda Carver, was the presenter for the talk. We know Lucinda through St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal church and it was great to see her in her more official capacity. She is a professor and dean at USC’s Thornton School of Music as well as a world-renowned pianist and harpsichordist. She is a well-known conductor, as well.

Here is a picture of Lucinda speaking with concert-goers after her talk:


Both the pieces we heard today were the last pieces composed by Mozart and Bruckner. They are completely different in style, which made for an interesting program. Here are links from YouTube of the two pieces, if you’re interested.

The Mozart piece was actually performed by the pianist in the video. This is only one section of the concerto we heard today:

Here is the Bruckner. This is the entire piece, which is very long. But this would give you some idea of what kind of music it is.

Here are some pictures from Disney Hall.

interior Disney

If you haven’t been to Disney Hall for a concert, then you really ought to go. It is one of the biggest treats in LA, at least from my point-of-view. If the tickets prices are daunting, don’t rule out going. There are some concerts that are designated on the LA Phil website that you can attend for $20. You just have to go on the site and find out which ones they are.

We got home in time to see the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl, which turned out to be quite the quarter. What a game! Not a sure win for either team until that amazing interception.

Okay, friends, I am closing now. I am trying to post this by midnight. Hope I make it!

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