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Driving through the Night

We are in the middle of the Mojave on our way to Texas.  It is 9:14 pm and we can see impressive lightning displays to both the north and the south, but, so far, have only had a few sprinkles of rain.

The lights of Blythe, CA are off in distance and the road is filling with cars as we get nearer.  We had a late start with last minute tasks and then, of course, we had to stop in Pasadena and see Luna and Sarah (Gregorio was at work) since they were right on the way.  Then we crept along in 5 mile per hour traffic for almost an hour because there had been a big accident earlier in the day and they were still clearing away debris. So, we are behind schedule, but relaxed.  There is no train to catch as my grandmother would say so we can do as we please.  We’ll see how far we get.

I have been driving, but now Ray is taking a turn.  Here he is:


We are happy to be heading back to North Texas since we will get to see our beloved Rachael, our youngest daughter, who moved outside of Dallas 6 weeks ago.  We are due to rendezvous on Saturday morning.  Needless to say, this makes me happy even to think about!

We are listening to Outlaw Country on Satellite Radio and just heard Linda Ronstadt singing Silver Threads and Golden Needles. 

We just crossed into Arizona.  Flagstaff is 197 miles and it is now 9:35.  We are averaging 75 miles perhour, so we should be there a little after midnight.  We will see…

We are in good spirits and have lots of coffee and iced tea we brought from home.  Our traveling companions, Cordelia, our Corgi, and Sammie, our Scottie, are settled in the back seat, sleeping away.

Nothing like a road trip to give you a sense of freedom. 

Until tomorrow…

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