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Easter Evening

Ray and I attended the Easter Vigil Mass on Saturday night and also Easter Day Sunday Mass today.  Plus, we had our kids (minus Rachael who is in Miami) and grandkids over this afternoon for an Easter celebration and meal.  Luna and Nico were running a temperature this morning so they weren’t able to come to church.  Still, they arrived all dressed up in the Easter garb for our family gathering.  Both were a little under the weather, but they were just fine hanging out this afternoon.

I am among the walking dead at this point. Yesterday, we arrived at church at 5:15 pm and left at 10:30.  (This involved cooking 12 quiches for the church breakfast this morning plus a long Easter Vigil Mass.)  Today we arrived at 8:30 am and returned around 1:30 pm.  (More help with the Easter breakfast before serving at the 10:30 Easter Mass.)

Alas, this is all I can muster for today.  I have lots of photos of my fellow acolytes that I took last night at the Easter Vigil but am having a problem downloading them from my phone. I will make another attempt tomorrow.

Here are a few pictures that I sent to myself from my phone.

Happy Easter, everyone!

St. Thomas the Apostle Decked Out for Easter


Luna with her Tinker Toy Creation


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