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Extreme Heat

Isn’t it fall?  Are we almost to November?  Why then,  is Southern CA blanketed with oppressive heat?  Today in LA, it was 104 degrees.  This broke a record of 97 degrees set in 1967 for the hottest day in October.  It was 105 in Long Beach (by the ocean).  Tomorrow it is due to be 100 degrees in downtown LA.  Dear Lord in heaven…

Angelinos are not equipped for this kind of blast furnace heat at any time of year, but especially now when we’re all thinking of fall and cooler temperatures.  It’s hard on the psyche dealing with these extreme temperatures.

Surely, this will be the last hooray before we actually get to start wearing sweaters.  I am ready for the change.

Hope you are not too hot and miserable where you are.  Most of you are probably pulling out warm socks and light jackets by now.

Not us here in SoCal. We’re walking around in shorts and teeshirts, sweating.

For now, I am heading upstairs to the air conditioning.  We’ll talk again tomorrow.


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