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Family Day from 6 am – 10 pm

Here is a picture of my Utah family. We are all tired after a very full day. We got up early and went to volunteer at the homeless breakfast. That was from 6 – 10. Later, half of the group went to the Petersen Auto Museum while the other half stayed home (my group) and cooked tomato sauce and pasta for lunch, plus baked a double batch of honey-sweetened orange cookies. Mid-afternoon we all headed to Santa Monica where we descended upon the little raw food restaurant where daughter Rachael works. Then after lots of coconut nectar snacks, we walked down to the strand between Venice and Santa Monica piers. The sun was just setting and it was beautiful.

After the walk, we went to Urth Cafe back on Main Street in Santa Monica and met a couple of friends of my brother-in-law, Ray.  They were extremely nice, and we drank hot tea while we chatted.

Now, it’s 9:10 and half of the family is already asleep.  The rest are not far behind.

Tomorrow, my niece heads back to SLC via LAX, while the rest of the Utah relatives tackle the 10 hour drive.  For my part, I’ll rest for a while before my first student arrives at 1:30.  This is followed by a second student at 3 and another at 5.  No more vacation…

But as for the Thanksgiving holiday, it was a good one.  Lots of fun; lots of love.  What else could I ask for?

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