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Fort Worth Condo

We are here in Fort Worth doing the last minute preparation necessary for our new tenant who officially begins renting our condo here on June 1. We are leaving early in the morning to head back to Sherman but worked too late tonight to want to make the trek.

This was Sarah’s condo during medical school and will be the new home of a pharmacy student who will be here until he graduates. We had a few pieces of furniture that we didn’t really want to haul all the way back to Sherman, so I wrote our new tenant’s mother who has handled all the details of the lease and asked if she thought her son would like a dining table and chairs plus a wooden double bed frame. “Yes!” she wrote back. “Less for us to move.” A nice win-win for all.

I walked the dogs this evening and enjoyed the neighborhood. The homes near here are lovely and the streets are quiet. I know Sarah enjoyed this condo when she was here. Since being in LA she has said several times, “I wish the Fort Worth condo were here instead of there.” Alas, it is not. Still, we will have a young man living here who is very excited about this place so that feels good in itself.

I have very little reception here because the Internet is not hooked up. I will have to go outside and walk around a bit to find a spot where I can get a strong enough signal to actually post this piece. This is a little like Ojai where I have to go steal Internet from my neighbor. At least here I don’t have to worry about coyotes.

I will be checking back in with you tomorrow.

Wishing you a calm and peaceful night and a restful sleep.

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