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Graduation Day

This is a graduation weekend here at our house. Our daughter, Liz, and her boyfriend, Ron, will graduate from law school on Sunday at 10 am. They will walk across the stage at the Shrine Auditorium to receive their JD degrees after completing a rigorous accelerated 2-year program. Our nephew from Utah, Jim, his wife, Karri, and their 2 kids, Eli and Sophie, arrived today for the celebration. Ron’s family has arrived from Northern California. We will have a joint celebration party post graduation on Sunday with lots of food and love. We are all exceedingly proud of these two smart and focused people who have been studying non-stop for 2 solid years. They resume studying on Monday as they prepare for the bar exam, which comes at the end of July. But for these two days, they are done with school and get to enjoy their accomplishment. And we are here to celebrate with them.

Hears to setting goals and achieving them!

Hurray for success after lots of hard work!

Much love to both of you.

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