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Grandbaby Visit

Tomorrow little Luna is coming for a visit. Ray and I have been looking forward to seeing our little granddaughter all week long. She is joining us at the homeless breakfast, then coming home with us for the day. We might even take her to LACMA (LA County Museum of Art) for just a little while. Her mother is studying for her national boards and needs time to focus on that; her dad has work of his own to attend to.

The big activity when Luna visits our house is spending time in our back yard. She loves to play back there and I love her to have the chance to get her hands in the dirt and enjoy the outdoors. I also enjoy being outside, so that works out just fine.

I am heading to bed now in anticipation of a busy day tomorrow. Of course, I will provide pictures of the day here on my blog.

Here is one of Luna at her birthday party. She and her daddy are preparing for the pinata.


See you tomorrow.

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