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Happy Birthday, Brother George

Today would have been my brother George’s 64th birthday. He has been gone now for ten years. Hard to believe, but true. He is never far from my mind, however, even if it’s been a decade since I last saw him.

George was three years older than me. He was my big brother, my childhood playmate, my confidante, my friend. It is certainly true when some people in your life are described as irreplaceable. George falls in that category for me. I often wish I could call him up on the phone and talk to him about a problem or laugh at one of his silly jokes. I can see him plain as day with no effort at all and can hear him, as well. Our separation feels as if there’s a thin curtain between us that obscures our exact bearings, one to the other, but I know he’s not far.

I have the gift of his children to remind me of him. All four of his daughters hold different aspects of him, both physically and emotionally. Sometimes I can look at them either in person or in a picture and see him smiling back at me. Ah, that is a happy feeling for me.

As my closest sibling in age, George and I shared a deep connection. I am lucky to have experienced such love and intimacy. As I grow older, I am keenly aware of how special that relationship truly was.

Happy birthday, brother. Though you left this Earth too soon, you left your mark. I can never hear a Stevie Ray Vaughn without thinking of you. You did love Stevie.

Brother Sam, Me, and Brother George in 2003

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