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Happy Birthday, Little Nico!

Here’s to a happy 1st birthday for my little grandson, Nico. He went on a hike with his mom, dad and sister and spent most of it snuggled up on daddy’s shoulder, sleeping.

This little guy is so full of sweetness and love, it’s hard to even describe the joy he brings to the lives of his grandma and grandpa.  We both have fallen completely in love with his big grin and warm hugs.

The pure love between him and his big sister, Luna, is also a source of real happiness. His little face just lights up when Luna walks in the room and hers shines with love.

I didn’t realize the best part of being a grandparent would be to have the opportunity to witness (and experience) such purity of emotion.

Thank you, Sarah and Gregorio, for the gift of this darling little boy and of his sister.  Their presence (and yours) graces our lives.  We are deeply grateful.

Nico and his Daddy on his 1st Birthday Hike


Luna and her Mama


Nico, Mid-Birthday Hike

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