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Writer's picturelenleatherwood

Happy Birthday, Mom

Today is my mother’s birthday.  She was born in 1918 and died in 2000.  Here are a few things that come to mind to commemorate her day.

My mother:

  1. Earned a Ph.D. in Psychology at age 53 and then went on to practice and teach until she was 82.

  2. Was married for 32 years to my father, then lived for 29 years with Dorothy LeMole.

  3. Had seven children, one of whom died when born prematurely at 8 months.

  4. Was an incessant reader, who taught me the value of lifelong learning.

  5. Was an ardent Episcopalian who taught me the importance of participating in a faith tradition.

  6. Was an ardent feminist who taught me the importance of fighting for equal rights.

  7. Was an active participant in the stock market and in Black Jack and did very well at both.

  8. Was an avid Democrat who taught me the importance of being politically well-informed.

  9. Was a loyal daughter who adored her Scottish father, Robert McLucky Waugh, and taught me about the importance of a family connection.

  10. Was a flawed human being who taught me that we prosper only through grace, not because we “deserve” to be showered with good fortune.

I loved my mother dearly and still feel her presence strongly in my life.  She was far from perfect, but was a good and decent woman, nonetheless.  I feel lucky indeed to have had her not only as a loving parent but also as a role model.

Happy birthday, Mom.  Here’s to your well-lived life.


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