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Heading Back West

This will be a short post tonight. We are getting up early to head back to CA tomorrow. We’ve had a great 2 weeks here in Texas, seen lots of good friends, helped our daughter move, and even had a successful garage sale. We’ve also worked hard on the finishing touches for the Dimmit house we’ve been restoring and we have now put it on the market. So, all is well.

We are driving Rachael’s car back for her. (She got to fly back on Sunday.) So if you see a gray Ford Focus winding through Amarillo, Albuquerque, and Flagstaff, then give us a honk and wave.

I’ll keep you updated mid-trip.

For now, I need to head to bed. We don’t need me being so tired this trip that I repeat falling asleep at the wheel!

Good night, friends. Sweet dreams.

Interstate 40
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