My whole California family is on the move tonight. We are en route in three different cars to Colorado for my brother Sam’s wedding. Liz and Ron are at Arches National Park, camping; Ray and I are in a Motel 6 with three dogs (Cordie, Frankie and Hazel) in Grand Junction, CO; and Sarah, Gregorio, Rachael and the kids are driving this direction as I write. The last word is they were in Barstow, CA and were, in Sarah’s words, “a “screaming, puking, pooping, peeing, hungry mess,” or the usual when you are traveling with three kids under the age of 6.
My Texas family is surely on the move too. I expect they are either on the road already or getting ready to fly into Denver tomorrow. And our Utah contingent will be heading this direction tomorrow as well. Not to mention, Jaime’s family and many of Sam and Jaime’s friends, who must be either already in Breckenridge or en route. The first festivities are tomorrow evening, the wedding is on Saturday and there’s even a luncheon on Sunday so there’s lots of fun to be had.
We have our dogs with us since we’ll be going on to Texas after the wedding. Rachael will toss her dog Hazel into the “kid” car, which adds another living being who will need to be taken care of. Luckily, Hazel is a very good traveler. In fact, I think our three dogs didn’t scream, puke poop, pee or tell us they were hungry once in the car while we were traveling. They did appear happy on our many stops since we took lots of photos of the beautiful scenery along the way. At this point, they are all conked out, as is Ray, so our room is quiet and calm. Hopefully, Sarah and her crew will settle down shortly and the adults can enjoy some peace.
Here’s to a family gathering for a happy occasion. That always beats the alternative.
I’ll be checking back in tomorrow.
Here’s a photo Ray took today, which shows the gorgeous landscape of Southern Utah