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Heading to Cambridge in Fall, 2017!

I received a call today from my beloved writing student, Madison Stingray. She said, “Len, I know you’re busy with college essays, but I just want to let you know that I was accepted at Cambridge University for my Master’s degree in archaeology. I start next fall.”

This young woman has been my writing student since she was ten-years-old. She is now graduating from college. She also remains one of my online students through Story Circle Network as often as she can fit in a class while juggling her classes at Georgetown.

I am so proud of her.

She quickly added, “Without your help with my writing over all these years, this would never have happened.”

“I don’t know about that,” I said. “You are an exceptionally bright girl.”

I was deeply touched and had a little cry when we hung up.

This is the best part of my job.

Congratulations, sweet Madison. I am absolutely delighted for you. What a wonderful accomplishment.

Hip, hip, hooray!

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