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Heading to Dallas in the Early Am

Southwest Airlines has decided that they are confident about flying a plane into Dallas Love Field tomorrow afternoon so I am scrambling around getting ready for the trek. I have long johns packed and warm socks and I’m going to ask Liz if I can borrow her ski jacket early in the morning when she has graciously offered to drive me to the airport for my 6:55 am flight. (Yes, that means we’ll be arriving there by 5:55 am.)

I had students from 1:30 – 8:30 solid. Last-minute help on term papers that are due before I return the middle of next week. My students all were relieved that my flight was cancelled yesterday – three were here when I found out – and they were the same three who requested time today, plus one more who popped up unexpectedly this afternoon with a need for help. So, that all worked out well for everybody, I think. I still need to proofread their final content, but I can do that from Texas on Sunday night, hopefully.

So, I am heading off to finish my final run-around gathering up warm clothes and then washing the kitchen dishes before bed. I like leaving the house tidy even if Liz is going to be here, though if I get too tired I might leave a few dishes for her to do.

Hopefully, we’ll have smooth sailing tomorrow and the roads will be clear in Dallas so Ray can pick me up. Otherwise, I might be camping out at the airport until someone can venture in to get me from the iced-in areas of North Texas. I am hoping that will not be the case!

Now comes the time when I can relax for a bit. Ray has promised me that my time in Texas will be quiet and easy. That sounds awfully inviting.

Off I go.

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