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Here in Amarillo…

We have made it to Amarillo on our cross-country trip from California. We are now 5 hours from Sherman, which is our Texas home. Today, we drove all day long from early until just about 20 minutes ago, around 11 pm. We stopped in Albuquerque at the Whole Foods for lunch at the salad and hot food bar. I believe that was all the stopping we did except for gas and occasional bathroom breaks at rest stops. That makes for one LONG day.

We listened to satellite radio, TED talks, and a few This American Life episodes. When Ray drove, I edited for a few hours since I have an online class finishing this week and I also have an adult student I am coaching through the revision of her novel. Now we’re here watching The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon with Stevie Nicks performing. I am impressed that Stevie’s voice is as strong as ever and she looks great. Probably a little help from her plastic surgeon since she looks about forty-five and I know that’s not possible. But she can belt out a song, that is for sure.

The dogs are settled down after a couple of walks. Of course, they’ve been sleeping all day so they don’t look too stressed.

I am ready to settle in for the night. We are getting up early to make that last trek to North Central Texas.

Happy we’re safe.

Night to all.

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