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Here in Tecate, Mexico for Liz and Ron’s Wedding


This is the view from the restaurant here in Tecate, Mexico that is on the same property with Santuario Diegueno, the hotel where Liz and Ron are having their wedding on Saturday.  We ate here tonight with Liz, Ron and three of their friends, who came early to surprise our happy couple. The food was delicious, the view was beautiful and the company was even better.  We ate well and laughed a lot.

The majority of people will be arriving tomorrow with a few coming on Saturday.  Liz and Ron are expecting around 90 people for the wedding late Saturday afternoon. It should be a wonderful celebration of their love and commitment to one another.

I’ll check back in tomorrow. In the meantime, here are a few photos.

Liz and Ron


Another Photo of our Lovely Bride and Groom


Where Liz and Ron will have their wedding


Of course, I’ll post lots of photos over the next few days. That will be fun.

Here’s to love!

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