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Honey-Sweetened Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

Ray made homemade frozen strawberry yogurt today and it was delicious. I thought I would share the recipe. He used whole milk yogurt to make it richer and to make sure that the frozen yogurt would have a creamier texture.

We have one of those electric ice cream makers and he simply put all the ingredients together, let it sit in the freezer for an hour, then put it in the ice cream maker. The result was a perfect strawberry yogurt, creamy and delicious.

Thanks, Ray!

Ingredients • 1 12 ounce package of frozen strawberries • 2 cups European style plain whole milk yogurt • ½ cup honey • 1 teaspoon vanilla • Dash of salt Preparation Cut strawberries into thirds. Mix with honey and yogurt. Let sit in freezer for 1 hour. Transfer to an ice cream maker and mix according to manufacturer’s instructions. Makes about 1 quart.

strawberry yogurt
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