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I Will Be the SheWrites Guest Editor Beginning Sunday

On Sunday, I will be serving as the guest editor for the week over at, a blog with over 19,000 members (mostly women, but some men), who are excited about writing. I hope you will come over and visit this week. Membership is free and I could use the support!

We will be covering the value of writing 20 minutes a day, plus the world of “flash” literature, which includes fiction, memoir, essay, and poetry. I will be posting the same posts here so if for some reason you don’t make it over, you’ll still see the information here.

I am excited and nervous about this opportunity. That’s a lot of folks, but then again, that’s not so different than writing on here just times a whole lot. Well, I won’t think too much about that…

I had a brainstorm today and decided that I could actually approach some of the people who are deeply involved with “flash.” After all, I could email them and if they weren’t interested, they didn’t have to respond. No harm done. As it was, the publisher of The Rose Metal Guide to Flash Fiction did respond and was very open to my suggestion of interviews with the editor of the Flash Fiction Guide as well as the editor of the upcoming Flash Nonfiction Guide. So, I am going to formulate questions for them this weekend and we’ll be hearing their responses over the week.

On that note, please let me know in the Comments section what you might want to learn about “flash.” I will be asking the editors, as well as doing research on my own. Plus, since I have already taught several courses on Flash Fiction/Memoir for Story Circle Network, I already have a lot of information. Please feel free to ask. This is going to be an opportunity for us all to learn!

On that note, I’ll close. I’ve been working hard today writing my first few posts for SheWrites so I won’t feel overwhelmed on Sunday. Not to mention, my husband is coming home tomorrow after a week away and I don’t want to be preoccupied!

Happy writing. And consider a trip over to this upcoming week. I am expecting it to be fun.

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