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Illness at Our House

We have the flu at our house. Our daughter, Liz, woke up this morning with 101 degree temperature, a vague cough and lots of body aches. Over the course of the day, her temperature went up to 103. Our other daughter, Sarah, and her husband, Gregorio, are at their house with the same symptoms. They have been sick for several days.

Ray and I feel as if the boogeyman is hiding around the corner, ready to grab us.

I have had a flu shot. Ray has not. Apparently 60 percent of people who have had a flu shot do not get the flu. So, I, at least, have a chance. Ray, on the other hand…

He’s been eating tangerine after tangerine, shoring up on Vitamin C.

I am heading to bed early so that I can get plenty of sleep. I’ve been drinking cup after cup of fresh lemon, hot water and honey. I want to do my best to stay out of the 40 percent who do get the flu with a shot.

Fingers crossed.

Night night.

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