Ray and I are here in Austin, staying with my cousin, Lee, and his wife, Elaine. I am attending the “Stories of the Heart” national memoir conference where I will be presenting a workshop tomorrow morning. Ray is visiting with Lee, Elaine, their kids and our nieces and nephews who live here in Austin. (I get to visit, too, when not at the conference.)
I am happy to be here. The conference has been very helpful so far, providing information I can take home and put straight into practice. This is always the goal. Also, the women of Story Circle Network are a fine group: wise, wonderful and talented. I am always extremely impressed when I go to one of these conferences and hear impromptu readings in the various workshops. Talent abounds. Not to mention that I have gotten to see several of my online students as well as my SCN Circle-6 online writing group. Yes, old home week, for sure.
As far as my family here is concerned, I am very pleased to see all of them. We are a close bunch and my nieces and nephews are special people in my life. I am very happy to lay eyes on them. Plus, I got to meet my great-niece, Aretta, this trip, who is a week older than my granddaughter, Luna, and my great-nephew, George, who is 3 weeks younger than Luna. Yes, this was certainly a happy moment for me.
I am heading to bed now since I need to be at the conference bright and early for our last day together. I am looking forward to my workshop, just because it’s always fun to share information I have gathered.
On that note, I’ll close. It is, after all, almost midnight.