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Las Vegas, Ojai and SLC

Our family and friends have headed back home and we are now enroute to Salt Lake City. We are following my nephew and his family to deliver furniture we sold them and to pick up a pick up truck for Sarah and Gregorio and a MGB for Ray. These vehicles belonged to my brother-in-law who recently passed away. The MGB goes on the trailer that is carrying the furniture and Ray and I will take turns driving the truck back to LA. This should be exciting since there is some question of the pick up truck’s road worthiness. We shall see. At the moment, we are spending the night in Las Vegas.

As for our camping Thanksgiving, it certainly goes into the best of all time Thanksgivings category. I managed to relax and not worry about the meal being perfect and also gratefully accepted lots of help with the cooking and clean up. Just before the big cooking day started (we celebrated the official Thanksgiving on Friday so our kids could all make it up) I felt myself beginning the usual worry about all the food being served hot. Then I thought: Liz is making the dressing, Rachael the macaroni and cheese, Gregorio the ham, a guest the green bean casserole, etc and then I realized almost the whole meal was being prepared by others. Instantly, the tension left my shoulders and I relaxed and remained in that state for the rest of the day and the evening. Wow. What a welcome change. A new precedent has been established for future holidays and I like that a lot.

Now I need to hit the sack since we will be up early to make the drive to SLC. The dogs and Ray are already settled. Time for me, too.

I hope you all are feeling sufficiently well fed and happy on the last day of the holiday weekend. From a look out the window, a good number of people decided to celebrate here in Las Vegas. I will always prefer the Orange grove.

Good night to all. I am feeling grateful.

I will check by in tomorrow.

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