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Last Day at the Orange Grove and Baby News

Tomorrow Ray and I are headed back to LA to rejoin the rest of the world after a week’s respite out here in Ojai. I can’t say I am super excited to leave this peaceful place, but I will be happy to see my writing students who begin returning tomorrow.

Today was a clean-up day with towels and sheets washed and dried; the bathroom, shower house and kitchen scrubbed; and the Airstream dusted and vacuumed in preparation for our next visit.

We also receive the good news that our niece Mahlon safely and speedily delivered her second child, a little girl this time, whose name is Jupiter Paige. She weighed in at 6 lbs 13 oz and is 20 inches long. The best news is Mahlon was only in labor for 2 1/2 hours! I know my brother George and his wife Sandra would be thrilled if they were here to enjoy this day. I know they are smiling from heaven. Any time a healthy baby is born is a happy day full of hope and promise for us all. Congratulations, Mahlon and Jeremy!

Off to bed now. We have a morning full of work before heading back to the city.

I will be checking back in with you all tomorrow. Have a good night.

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