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Last Night in Ojai 

We have relinquished the new Airstream to Sarah, Gregorio and Luna who arrived here this evening. We are back in the Spartan Manor and I am writing this by candlelight. We figured our pregnant daughter trumps our need for modern conveniences; besides, we want to encourage our kids to come up to the orange grove as much as possible and that Airstream definitely sweetens the deal.

Tomorrow afternoon we head back to LA. We have spent six of the last seven days up here so it is just time to return home and settle back into our work routine. The weather has been wonderful; very cool for July so we’ve been lucky.

Today, we hooked up the water to the Airstream as well as the sewer. Now we just need to hook up the water heater but that we have to do next week. After all, we do have hot water in the Spartan as well as the outdoor shower. At this point, all of these conveniences are just adding the frosting on the cake in terms of staying at the Orange grove. I told Ray yesterday that I was never going home. I am too happy here. Alas, if I could figure out how to make money here, I might plead a stronger case. So far, that aspect of Ojai has eluded me.

Time for bed now. The night is so peaceful and quiet I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Sleep well, my friends. Talk tomorrow.

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