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Last Night in Texas

No more rain. This is a good thing.  Our town is drying out slowly with the help of blue skies and a nice breeze from the southwest.  The high today was 88 degrees, but with the breeze, it was just fine.

Ray and I are both so tired after working all day at the building that we’re having trouble moving. Ray is parked in front of the television and I’m already in bed. However, I still have to rally enough energy to go take a bath. Ugh. That seems like too much, but I could never sleep after being so sweaty all day.  So, I will head in that direction as soon as I muster up a bit of pep.

If you’re ever in Sherman, Texas, then let me recommend a fast food joint where you can get an excellent turkey burger.  Wanna Burger at 706 West Houston is the name of the game.  Very tasty burgers plus crisp fries.  Yes, and the onion rings are good too.  No, we are not watching our weight today. After all that work hauling furniture and organizing tons of stuff, we decided we could splurge with burgers and fries.  Definitely a good choice.

Tomorrow we head back to LA.  Of course, we wish we could stay longer here in Texas.  Just when we get settled in, it’s time to head back west. Alas, we hope to return in the not-too-distant future.  After all, we have to come back and admire all the work we’ve been doing.

And now, I’m going to crawl into the bathroom and enjoy a long hot bath.  I expect to be sound asleep by 9 pm.

Good night, folks. I’ll be checking back in with you tomorrow probably from the airport.

Sleep well.

A Few More Glimpses of Our Handiwork Today

Southern shot of building interior
Ray's tvs 2

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