Dear World,
I have no idea where I’m going, but I fully expect whatever is coming will be good. I believe in the power of thought. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the power of people to make a positive difference, one person at a time. My father’s message to me when I was growing up was simple, “Care about people and they will care about you.” He also added, “Make friends, one person at a time.” The second statement may seem odd. It means when you walk in a room, turn and shake the hand of the first person you meet and say, “Hello.” Get to know them before you move on to other people. My dad’s lessons have served me well. I walk through life with the attitude that if I go slow and actually look at the person I’m meeting, then I will see them and they will see me back. This has proven to be true, over and over and over.
My mother believed in the power of learning. She taught me to keep educating myself no matter how old I get and she was the model for this. She read incessantly and was engaged in the world through the written word. I have that gift that she offered still, the gift of active learning. I am very happy when I am gathering new information. My brain feels alive.
Again, I have no idea where I’m going in this life. Each step feels new at this point. However, I trust that the path will open up before me and I will meet wonderful people along the way. I also trust that life will prove interesting, no matter what.
A prayer I am fond of might be appropriate here. “Father, I believe. Now help me with my unbelief.”