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Liz and Ron Get Sworn Into the CA and Federal Bar

Today we went to Southwestern Law School to witness our daughter, Liz, and her boyfriend, Ron, being sworn into the California and Federal bar. This was the culmination of two intensive years of law school for Liz and Ron, plus 2 ½ months of in-depth study for the bar exam, plus 3 solid days of examination time. The California bar is considered the most difficult exam in the United States and Liz and Ron passed the first time round. Not only is this indicative of their intelligence and focus, but it’s also a good sign for their future.

Congratulations to you both. This honor is hard won, but well deserved. The world will be a better place with these two scrupulous attorneys in it. I can’t imagine two more trustworthy and competent people who will soon be entering the work place.

I am proud of you and happy for you.

Well done!


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