This will probably not be the full 20 minutes tonight. We have not left Texas yet and are getting up to leave at 4 am. So, clearly, I need to go to bed as soon as possible. I found this prompt and thought, “I could do this even if I’m tired.” So, here goes.
Foods I Love: Foods I Hate:
Mashed potatoes Liver Ice cream Black licorice Vanilla milk shakes Dark bitter chocolate Arugula Fishy fish Hard candy Butter-soaked vegetables Beets Stale scones Freshly baked scones Rhubarb Biscotti Over-cooked squash Honey-sweetened vanilla pudding Greasy gravy Watermelon Sour green apples Cantaloupe Soggy noodles Red grapes Overly rich tomato sauce Cherries Corned beef hash Cherry or peach cobbler Chocolate pie Lentils Anything with strong fish sauce
Okay, I’m falling asleep. This is certainly not a definitive list.
It’s fairly easy to see that I prefer sweets to just about anything, except lentils. I am quite fond of wonderfully cooked lentils.
All right. I have no idea how long that took me, but I am aware that I fell asleep twice.
To bed I go! I will be setting my alarm.