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Made it Back to LA

We arrived late afternoon here in LA. The traffic, despite rain and rush hour, was remarkably light.  We are now heading off to bed since the trip fatigue just hit big time. We left at 10 am yesterday, Central time, stopped at midnight last night, started again this morning at 8 am Mountain time, and arrived at 5 pm Pacific time today.  That is a lot of driving.

Daughter Rachael was here when we arrived.  It was good to see her after our ten days away.  Tomorrow evening, we’re heading over to Sarah’s new house, where she, Gregorio and the kids moved last weekend.  We’ll see all of them, plus Liz and Ron as well.  I will be happy to see my sweet family.

Tomorrow morning we are up early to go feed our patrons at the St. Thomas “Breakfast Club.”  If I go to sleep soon then that 5:30 am wake up time won’t be too bad.  There are, after all, pancakes to be made.

I also have students tomorrow afternoon and I’m serving at the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass as an acolyte. Nothing like jumping right back in to life here.  Sunday, however, should be a quieter day.

So happy to have arrived safely. We passed a couple standing a distance away from their burning truck on the side of the road in Arizona while the fire department put out the flames.  I never make the assumption that these road trips will be without incident.  I am always grateful, however, when they are.

I’ll check back in with you tomorrow.  Have a good Friday evening.

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