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Made It To Ojai

Ray and I are safely settled in the Airstream for the night after leaving Salt Lake City at 6:30 am Mountain time this morning. We arrived at 7:30 Pacific time, which is fourteen hours of driving. Yikes. The problem was that required 55 mile per hour speed limit in CA for all vehicles pulling a trailer. I was able to fudge a bit on back roads but not so much on the interstates. Dumb rule. In Utah, in contrast, we could legally go 80 mph. So much more sensible.

Anyway, we are here now with the dogs and will head home tomorrow after we are rested. I am happy to have that trip behind me. Such a quick turn-around (only one day in SLC) is a little tough.

Alas, it is warm and cozy here with the temperature outside at a reasonable 61 degrees. When we left Salt Lake this morning it was 13 degrees. Now that was COLD. Luckily, I am married to a man who got up early and went out and started the van so it would be warm for the dogs and me. That might be a good definition of love.

I hope the first day of December is treating you all well. Hard to believe we are almost finished with 2015. I swear it is only now September!

Sleep well, friends. We’ll talk again tomorrow.

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