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Made It to Sam and Jaime’s House!

Sam and Jaime.jpg

It is 1:16 am CST and we have just crawled into bed after a lovely dinner and a good conversation with brother Sam and his partner, Jaime.  Ray and I are snug in their guest room bed though the temperatures outside are currently 19 degrees with a low of 16 in the wee hours.  When we came out of the airport to jump in Sam’s car, it was around 20 degrees.  Luckily, we were prepared with winter coats and scarves. Still, I’d forgotten what 20 degrees feels like.  I am very happy to be snuggled up in this cozy room, settling in for the night.

I forgot to take a photo of Sam and Jaime this evening so I have borrowed a photo from Sam’s Facebook page.  I’m sure I will get more current ones to post tomorrow.

Sleep well, my friends.  I’ll be checking back in with you again tomorrow.

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